Phone/SMS | (567) 343-2284 |
shill@adrian | |
Office | Peelle 208 |
Mailbox | Peelle 201 |
Office Hours |
I am available other times by appointment; just contact me! |
The Final tab now shows a checkmark (after you log in) if I've received your review or final exam.
I will fix the Final tab this afternoon so that it shows you whether your materials were properly submitted, and I will contact you at the end of the week if I don't get your exam, so please don't feel nervous if you don't have evidence that the exam was submitted.
The final exam is now available in the "Final" tab. More instructions are there. Note that I still owe you your Homework 9 grades, although tentative solutions are now available here. I hope to complete these by Tuesday afternoon, but you can review the solutions and complete the review yourself if you like.
I made a brief recording showing you how to solve a circuit problem like Homework 9 Problem 3, including solving three equations for three unknowns.
As mentioned in class, now that the homework solutions and grades for HW1-6 are posted, I will be requiring you to submit a Homework Review before you can take the midterm. Here are the instructions for completing them. Please do so by this weekend if you can. I am still planning the exam, but it will be available soon.
As I'm getting the graded homework and solutions posted, let me tell you about the first part of the midterm. Before you are able to get a copy of the midterm to complete, I want you to submit a written explanation of why you lost points on Homework 1–6. I will explain more in class, but if you haven't been doing this already, you can get started now.
There is no homework assignment this week; we didn't really cover enough mathy stuff last week to warrant a whole assignment. Hope y'all don't mind. :)
There will be a 24-hour open-book/notes take-home exam coming up once HW6 is turned in and graded. You will be able to choose the day when you receive it, and you will then have 24 hours to complete it. More details to come.
I am going to make some comments about Homework 5 in class on Monday, in case you want to make corrections based on those comments.
The grades for HW1 should be showing up correctly, and the solutions are posted.
Since I neglected to talk about the first drafts of Homework 3 in class, I've included some notes here, and filled out some pages in the problem-solving textbook which may be helpful.
Homework 3 is posted (finally, sorry). Try to get a first draft in to me by Wednesday evening, or Thursday if you need more time.
Welcome to Physics 102!
The textbook for this class is How Things Move, Why Things Move by Hill (that's me!) The reading assignments listed below are due before the week begins (except for week 1).
Video recordings from class can be found in this Google Drive folder.
Here are the whiteboards from previous classes.
Week 01 | Wed | Fri | |
Week 02 | Wed | Fri | |
Week 03 | Mon | Wed | Fri |
Week 04 | Mon | Wed | Fri |
Week 05 | Mon | Wed | Fri |
Week 06 | Mon | Wed | Fri |
Week 07 | Mon | Wed | Fri |
Week 08 | Mon | Wed | Fri |
Week 09 | Mon | Wed | Fri |
Week 10 | Mon | Wed | Fri |
Week 11 | Mon | Wed | Fri |
Week 12 | Mon | ||
Week 13 | Mon | Wed | Fri |
Week 14 | Mon | Wed | Fri |
On this tab, you can submit your homework review, download the exam when you are ready to begin your 24-hour period, and submit your exam solutions the way you submit a homework assignment. See these instructions for more information.
Here is the Final Exam.
You may begin the exam whenever you like, and return it by Friday at 11:59pm; if you must return it later, EMAIL ME. You may refer to class notes and video, your own notes, and my textbook; nothing else. You may not discuss the exam with anyone else besides me. You can submit the exam and your homework review in the usual method, using the buttons below.
Note: you must log in to make submissions here!
(You do not need to submit the homework review before the exam, but I encourage you to complete it beforehand to get the full benefit. Not submitting the homework review will penalize your final exam grade substantially.)
I must also apologize slightly: this exam turned out longer than I expected, more like a 2-hour exam than a 1-hour one. However, since you have all week to complete it and since the class is pass-fail, I don't feel too guilty about that.