Adrian College Department of Physics

Physics 102

Introductory Physics II

Spring 2023


Sam A Hill, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Physics
Phone/SMS(567) 343-2284
OfficePeelle 208
MailboxPeelle 201

I am available other times by appointment; just contact me!

If things are missing here, try hard-refreshing your browser.
January 8, 2023


The textbook for this class is How Things Move, Why Things Move by Hill (that's me!) The reading assignments listed below are due before the week begins (except for week 1).

Video recordings from class can be found in this Google Drive folder.

Here are the whiteboards from previous classes.

Week 01 Wed Fri
Week 02 Wed Fri
Week 03 Mon Wed Fri
Week 04 Mon Wed Fri
Week 05 Mon Wed Fri
Week 06 Mon Wed Fri
Week 07 Mon Wed Fri
Week 08 Mon Wed Fri
Week 09 Mon Wed Fri
Week 10 Mon Wed Fri
Week 11 Mon Wed Fri
Week 12 Mon
Week 13 Mon Wed Fri
Week 14 Mon Wed Fri
To submit homework, login above using your Adrian email address (above), and then press the Submit or Corrections button next to the appropriate assignment. If successful, a filename will appear below. If you make a mistake, you may submit again. You may submit either a single PDF file, or multiple JPG files (select them all in the Open File dialog box). Remember to Logout if you're on a public computer.
  • Homework 1 (Solutions)due
  • Homework 2 (Solutions)due
  • Homework 3 (Solutions)due
  • Homework 4 (Solutions)due
  • Homework 5 (Solutions)due
  • Homework 6 (Solutions)due
  • Homework 7 (Solutions)due
  • Homework 8 (Solutions)due
  • Homework 9 (Solutions)due
  •  Homework 10 (Solutions)
    • There was an error.

      Homework (40%)

      • hw1:
      • hw2:
      • hw3:
      • hw4:
      • hw5:
      • hw6:
      • hw7:
      • hw8:
      • hw9:
      • Total:

      Exams (30% each)


      On this tab, you can submit your homework review, download the exam when you are ready to begin your 24-hour period, and submit your exam solutions the way you submit a homework assignment. See these instructions for more information.

      If you are seeing this, you need to do a hard refresh on your web browser.
      Log in via Google to proceed.
      If you are logged in and this doesnt change,
      • Submit homework review
      • Warning: Once you click this button, your 24-hour period begins!
      • Submit Exam

      Here is the Final Exam.

      You may begin the exam whenever you like, and return it by Friday at 11:59pm; if you must return it later, EMAIL ME. You may refer to class notes and video, your own notes, and my textbook; nothing else. You may not discuss the exam with anyone else besides me. You can submit the exam and your homework review in the usual method, using the buttons below.

      Note: you must log in to make submissions here!

      (You do not need to submit the homework review before the exam, but I encourage you to complete it beforehand to get the full benefit. Not submitting the homework review will penalize your final exam grade substantially.)

      I must also apologize slightly: this exam turned out longer than I expected, more like a 2-hour exam than a 1-hour one. However, since you have all week to complete it and since the class is pass-fail, I don't feel too guilty about that.